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401(k) Plan Sponsors

Client Centered

Owning a small business is difficult enough without the burdens of managing a company 401(k) plan. SAA Financial is experienced in providing comprehensive 401(k) management solutions designed to meet the needs of you, your business and its employees. We will review and evaluate your current 401(k) plan and perform an objectives assessment to recommend an all-inclusive management solution for you.

We can help you to determine which plan meets your specific needs and objectives, offer money management solutions within the 401(k) where available, educate all plan participants on their options, facilitate account changes and coordinate administrative support and record keeping necessary to remain compliant. Or, we can simply put our investment philosophy to work for you and manage the assets within your 401(k) plan.

SAA Financial helps 401(k) plan sponsors…

  • Review side-by-side comparisons of plan features and fees and help select the appropriate plan for accomplishing your business’ objectives;
  • Provide education on, access to and/or monitoring of the professional money management solutions for all plan participants so they can choose the right strategy for their situation;
  • Perform continuing employee-education programs and regular reviews to assess each plan and recommend any changes to investment options.

SAA Financial also offers personal advising and money management solutions for small business owners, and our comprehensive solutions can help you reach your investment goals. Learn more about how SAA Financial can be your and your business’ financial partner for life. Request a complimentary consultation today.

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